Whilst the holiday time can be joyous, for some it can be overwhelming. In recent years I’ve found a practise that has become an annual event for me - Gratitude and Intentions for the coming year.
As the holiday time approaches, for some it can become overwhelming. In recent years I’ve found a practise that has become an annual event for me. It’s all about Gratitude and Intentions for the coming year.
Recently I’ve had a number of young managers and leaders questioning the over-thinking they do ‘in their head’. Often carrying a lot of information around and ‘mulling it over’.
For me this time of year always feels like the start of a new year as school starts again. It’s a time of new plans post the holiday time. This year my youngest son has just started university. A client’s daughter had her first day at a new college so he was distracted. It’s the start of a whole new adventure for them both. I was also reminded that it’s four years since my son’s granny passed away and my mind went to the Past. It brought to mind the diagram above that I first saw when I started out coaching.
August is a quiet time for most coaches. This month I’ve been researching and reading both for myself and clients. I always find it’s a wonderful time for learning and feel so resourced afterwards.
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Looking back on my coaching with Claire: it gave me the strength to think more radically, the confidence to believe in myself, it helped me find a sense of purpose.
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