Whilst the holiday time can be joyous, for some it can be overwhelming. In recent years I’ve found a practise that has become an annual event for me - Gratitude and Intentions for the coming year.
As the holiday time approaches, for some it can become overwhelming. In recent years I’ve found a practise that has become an annual event for me. It’s all about Gratitude and Intentions for the coming year.
Recently I’ve had a number of young managers and leaders questioning the over-thinking they do ‘in their head’. Often carrying a lot of information around and ‘mulling it over’.
For me this time of year always feels like the start of a new year as school starts again. It’s a time of new plans post the holiday time. This year my youngest son has just started university. A client’s daughter had her first day at a new college so he was distracted. It’s the start of a whole new adventure for them both. I was also reminded that it’s four years since my son’s granny passed away and my mind went to the Past. It brought to mind the diagram above that I first saw when I started out coaching.
August is a quiet time for most coaches. This month I’ve been researching and reading both for myself and clients. I always find it’s a wonderful time for learning and feel so resourced afterwards.
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I wanted to see where I wasn’t shifting.
Claire was constantly supporting me and gave me lots of space to find my own way.
The constellation format helped to establish new and more clear perspectives towards change.
The phrase that comes instinctively is: ‘gaining insight’.
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