The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle.
– Steve Jobs
Unique you – know yourself
Here you’ll find details of Unique You - my self-paced career coaching programme that enables you to discover much more about yourself and your gifts.
I want you to be fulfilled and successful in your career or the work you do. Knowing yourself very well is absolutely key to finding your ideal work.
Unique You is an online career coaching programme consisting of downloadable PDF exercises with accompanying audio recordings to help you truly know yourself - including your values, goals and strengths.
As Pablo Picasso said, 'The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away'. You want to be in work that reflects your true nature, your real passions, draws on your strengths and employs your favourite skills. Unique You will help you achieve just that.
Who is Unique You for?
This programme is ideal if you're:
- starting out
- feel you've lost your way
It can also be extremely helpful if you're:
- looking to identify your next move
- considering a career change
To get a feel for the programme, here's a couple of complementary career coaching exercises: Unique You - Know Yourself.
Note: Essential to Unique You is self-reflection and exploration. Unlike many other online 'tests' Unique You is not a quick fix. As a result, you will gain a richer, more dynamic insight into your ideal work.
- You will have a complete picture of who you are - Unique You.
- You'll have an invaluable Career Summary & Career Criteria Framework that will help you cross-reference against any roles that come up.
- It makes writing your CV, applications, interviews easier and more straightforward.
- Instead of haphazardly applying for jobs or roles, you will be more focused.
Read the testimonials below of those who have completed the programme.
What next?
Complete the complementary sample coaching exercises in Unique You - Know Yourself.
If you have questions do contact me, otherwise:
Click on the 'Unique You - Buy' box. You will get your unique access code emailed to you so you can get started.
Customer reviews
Unique you – know yourself
Service description:
Here you’ll find details of Unique You - my self-paced career coaching programme that enables you to discover much more about yourself and your gifts.
Re-focused on who I am Mary McLaren, Communications Specialist · 11 January 2016
9/9 stars
After I left University, I went from job to job - never really satisfied. This programme has been perfect in re-focusing on who I really am and what I want out of a long-term career. By knowing myself more- my skills, values, ideal working day- I can see how certain jobs or careers are suited or not suited to me.
Great Insight Into My Personality Nick Cox · 04 May 2016
8.5/9 stars
‘Unique You’ was a very valuable program that gave me a great insight into my personality and how it translates to the workplace. Without really realising that I was doing it, I found a link between all my current and childhood interests (intellectual stimulus) and why specifically they interest me in the first place. It allowed me to realise what my most important values are as a person and therefore what the best work environment is for me going forward. It was a fun programme that I really enjoyed doing and I am now a lot more confident about who I am, what my interests and values are and (most importantly) what I need to look for in a future career.
What I found valuable Alex Maxwell, PhD student · 14 July 2016
8/9 stars
Unique You gave me the chance to really hone in on what it is that makes me unique instead of what is normally the reverse process when I apply for jobs I think I am interested in... me trying to fit into boxes. It made me really think hard about what skills I have and what I don't have and therefore need to do to progress and grow.
Unique you
I'd like to purchase my personal login to access the complete 'Unique You' programme. Usual price £29. Special offer £9.99
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