Connect to your Inner Wisdom, Weekend Retreat Jan 17th-19th 2025
Join us in a tranquil, peaceful setting, for a restorative journey with like-minded people supported by gentle yoga, coaching, reflection and more
Posted in Retreats
Come join us, Louise Moule (@metta_bhavana_yoga) & I, for a two night stay with en-suite, delicious food, yoga and coaching, rest, journalling, meditation and more. An opportunity to step away for two days from the everyday and reconnect to yourself.
Location: Franciscan Centre Ladywell, Godalming
When: 17-19th January 2025
What's included?
- Daily yoga for all abilities
- Daily group connection and 'light touch' direction
- Individual Coaching session
- Sound bath
- Walking
- Evening yoga nidra
- Quiet areas for relaxing, personal reflection and reading
- Nourishing food
- Reflexology TBC (additional fee)
To ensure this weekend is as enriching and restorative for those attending, places will be limited to 12 people.
All activities are optional. The exact weekend timetable is crafted based on those coming.
What's the cost?
£475 pp includes all meals, teas, coffees and beautiful ensuite rooms
Early bird discount: £425 for those that book before end Oct 2024
What next?
Contact us to express interest. Then to confim your place, complete a booking form retreat 2025 booking form.docx and return it with the deposit.
Feedback from past attendees;
What did you enjoy most?
Being with a lovely bunch of fantastic women. Permission to craft the weekend for myself (e.g. attend what I wanted & needed to) – Claire Gribble.
Everything! The yoga and coaching were particularly outstanding. – Lise Lewis
Time, space, yoga, coaching, reflexology, good food, great company – all of it - Emily
The balance of together and individual time was perfect – Elaine
Visting a new place, meeting new people, new experiences e.g. meditation. Time to reflect and think about the future. – Alison
‘Everything really. I really got a lot from my coaching session. The restorative & yoga nidra – Aahh’ – June
Time out. Wonderful yoga & coaching as always – Claire Rose.
The time. Time to stop and look around - Sarah Stringer
I enjoyed it all. The clustering, the yoga, wonderful meditations, reflexology, walks, coaching - Carole
All of it! Loved the different yoga sessions (Claire R)
The whole thing – what a great mix of company, space, people, quiet, yoga & reflection. (Elaine H)
I’ve loved all the elements. The yoga has been beautiful and just perfect for all of our needs. The coaching at the beginning was so insightful. Spending time with like-minded women was inspiring and so special (heart emoji) – Justina
Feeling nurtured by Claire & Louise and all the ladies and reconnecting with the mat & feeling safe. Beautiful surroundings (anon)
I’ve enjoyed it all, the relaxing meditations, yoga & the coaching & also the company. Fantastic combination – Cheryl
The shared space with all the yoga & meditation - Carole
What did you gain from the weekend?
I have gained so much – confidence, an understanding of who I am, mediation, acceptance. The list is endless – Sarah Stringer
Time to reflect on what I want for the coming year. Time for self-care & complete relaxation – Claire Gribble
A new sense of self and invigorating exercise – Lise Lewis
Time to think and be. Time to process, Time to connect - Emily
Time & space to think about the next few months, to revisit old wounds and start to heal. I feel physically stronger and balanced – Elaine
Time to think and an opportunity to be away from home and current things I have going on – Alison
An enhanced understanding that who I am today or any day is OK, peace, connection with like-minded people – Cheryl
Peace, rest, joy, a continued feeling of comfort in being me. – June
A reset of my mind & soul. Peace – Carole
Reconnected with myself. Have a plan for moving forward
Reconnecting with self-care practises
Connection with new people
Relaxation & recharge.
- Claire R
A quieter mind, some space in my thoughts & connection with similar minds.
Thank you so much to Claire & Louise for your kindness & skills – what a team (heart emoji)
- Elaine
Clarity & lots to carry on working through. I loved all the readings & poetry as well (Justina)
An increased awareness of the good in me. I am appreciated, I can do this. I am relaxed and energised & have met some lovely people – Cheryl
Thank you so much. It has been absolutely amazing. A special gift (Cheryl)
Peace, a relaxed body, a new sense of self-awareness. So glad we found you & booked up. Just the right fit, exactly what I needed. Thank you (Carole)
A new beginning ion the mat & more (anon)
Thank you so much for a truly nourishing weekend. I feel bereft to be back to reality today! It was truly magical and much needed at this time of year, what a wonderful way to begin 2024 – Claire Gribble
‘’s actually quite hard to explain to others just how good your weekends make us feel, at the time, and afterwards what we take away with us.
'The group felt really connected. What a lovely, fun, kind hearted group of girls. The closing circle was heart warming, and testament to your ability to create the perfect environment for feeling comfortable and safe and open to change and growth. ’
I felt incredibly safe and truly nurtured. Thank you so much – Claire Gribble
Thank you for an amazing experience. Claire for being wonderful you & an excellent coach & Louise for being the best yoga teacher I’ve ever had & for also being wonderful – Lise Lewis.
You really are the best combo. Thanks so much – Elaine Hall
I’ve had a lovely time Just what I needed – Alison
Thank you again for a another very special weekend. I feel spiritually, mentally & physically nourished – Cheryl
Thank you, Claire & Louise, for organising & hosting such a great event. You are so welcoming, open & caring – Carole Walker
Many thanks to you both for putting together such a wonderful weekend – full of thought, compassion, kindness & warmth. I will never forget it. I also loved the feminine energy of the women’ – Sarah stringer.

About Claire
Claire is a highly experienced and accredited Coach & Coach Supervisor. Passionate about helping people with their purpose, career, work, life. Being fulfilled in this every changing world.
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