Time to start being honest about who you really are. Encouraging those unlived parts of ourselves to emerge can provide an exhilarating sense of discovery and optimism.
We can learn to experience time more purposefully and meaningfully -- so that it's not an enemy robbing us of the joy of life. We needn't be at time's mercy. When we change our awareness, we can actually experience the gifts of time.
It's amazing how our state of mind impacts us so this blog is all about optimism and pessimism. Yes, we have a natural tendency but we can shift that. A fabulous book about purpose and hope - 'Man's search for meaning’ by Viktor Frankl.
We all have 'fears' about something. It's about how we manage that fear. As Dr. Steve Peters (in 'The Chimp Paradox') would say - manage 'the chimp' (or is it 'the goblin'? Or 'the gremlin'?) within us. We can't control it but we need to recognise it and from there learn to manage it.
The last month was one of those challenging ones. It made me realise that the biggest challenge to all change, is our mind-set to it all -- do you have a fixed mind-set or a growth one?
Often it's the little things that can get us down. I'm not referring to major life impacts, but the little things that sometimes cause a big and negative impact on us, often without us noticing. Here are some shares and tips, to reverse or shift the impact of these small things.
Changing the way things are done can bring opportunities for great success. But reaction to change may be fearful and irrational. When it comes to work and business, it can be tempting to give in to those anxieties by doing what's always been done. But priming the pump to have a better year always involves some form of adjustment to free up the time, money and energy to tackle new opportunities.
December can very often be "full-on." Preparing, spending, meals out.... There is often much more crammed into the calendar, more expectations from others and a sense of rush, rush, rush because there is so much to do. Here are 10 tips for making this month the best December ever.
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I just wanted to say thank you for all your support and wise counsel during our latest coaching sessions. As discussed yesterday I have found them most helpful and has been particularly important in helping me to not only manage but grow my skills and career while still being able to focus on priorities at home.
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