Unique You - Know Yourself
Here, you'll find complementary exercises from the Unique You - Know Yourself programme - a programme designed to help you discover more about yourself.
Unique You - Know Yourself
Research shows that those who are most satisfied and motivated by their work are in careers that reflect who they really are; work that reflects their true nature and their real passions; work that draws on their strengths and employ their favourite skills; work that allow them to honour their values. The foundation of any strong career entails a long, hard look at who you are. The 'Unique You - Know Yourself' career coaching programme will prompt you to do this. It's drawn from the best of all the activities I've done with clients over the years.
Identifying Your Personal Values - Complementary
In this career coaching resource you will identify your own personal top values and in turn, shed light on what motivates and fulfils you. Listen to the audio and open and read through the PDF.
Ideas Bank - Complementary
The Ideas Bank is the place for any passing thought, concept, dream, wish, desire relevant to your working life.
Ideas Bank (1007KB)
How it Works
This career coaching programme is uniquely self-paced and is designed to work in a way that works for you. It is both completely down to you how much time you want to spend looking at the resources (it could be a week, it could be three, two months and so on) and in what order to complete them. As you go through each resource, you will be able to listen to an accompanying audio - this is where I help to bring the resource to life. You will also want to note down any key learning in a format that works for you e.g. a journal, vision board, notebook.
Unique you
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