10 Things To Be Grateful For
This month's article is around being grateful. We can sometimes forget what we take for granted.
Posted in Self development
Ideally we're already thankful for our health, our safety, our loved ones. Although we can often take for granted. Be thankful if we have those. But what else? What do we take for granted? What moves us? What would fill our hearts daily if we would just notice it?
1. The senses. Sight, sound, touch, smell and taste—daily miracles each of them.
2. The plant world. From the productivity of a late-summer tomato plant to the delicate unfurling of a fern, nature's exuberance and tenderness is something to behold.
3. Opportunity. Our steady companion, opportunity is always ready to take us down a path yet unknown. (Hint: We have to say "Yes!")
4. Beauty. What do your eyes feast on? What splendor makes your soul rejoice? It is all around us every day. How often do you stop to drink it in?
5. The ability to learn. There is no age limit on learning—period. When we stop learning, we really stop living.
6. Young children. They model for us innocence, faith, resilience, playfulness and unconditional love.
7. Music. What inspires you, lifts your mood? Folk, Rock, African drumming, violin concertos, gospel? A nightingale?
8. The ability to give. Every act of love benefits the giver as much as the receiver.
9. Colour. Sunsets, Monet paintings, green peppers, blue eyes. Imagine a world without color...
10. Change. It's unavoidable; the only constant. Change can be unsettling or challenging. But the mystery of it and what lies beyond it can keep us young at heart.
Most important—celebrate all the above. We often miss it in the rush.
Do you feel grateful for your job? If not, perhaps it's time for a change. For more information about how I can help you achieve this, click here.
About Claire
Claire is a highly experienced and accredited Coach & Coach Supervisor. Passionate about helping people with their purpose, career, work, life. Being fulfilled in this every changing world.
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