This month’s blog is around Trust. What does it really mean? Who around you builds trust? Do you inspire it? Do you have trust in the team you lead or are part of?
Whilst its great to stretch ourselves, it still makes sense to play to our strengths. Know when we're spending time doing things we just don't enjoy and then being able to adjust and focus on those activities we love. So 'Do what you do best and outsource the rest'.
As authors on leadership development have noted through the years, listening is not just a nice thing to do, it's essential! A focus on listening can lead to more effective teamwork, higher productivity, fewer conflicts and errors, enhanced innovation and problem-solving, improved recruiting and retention, superior customer relations and more. Loads! Here are some tips for sharpening your listening skills.
One of the highlights of the last two weeks here in the UK has been the magnificent London 2012 Olympics. The general consensus was that the London 2012 Opening Ceremony "Isle of Wonder" orchestrated by director, Danny Boyle, was an amazing spectacle. What are the leadership lessons in there?
A few weeks before Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple, passed away, there was a fabulous piece in Forbes. The article focussed on the wisdom Steve had imparted throughout his life and how these would become even more important after his passing. I’ve pulled out those lessons that resonated most for me. It felt important to mark his passing, as I think he will be remembered like Edison, Einstein, Henry Ford.... He has left an indelible mark on our society in the last 35 years, and for many more to come.
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Thank you for all your support and sharing your wisdom with me. You’ve made a tremendous impact on me as a coach. You were the first mentor who made me stronger as a ICF Poland Leader and professional coach. It was long journey but worth it.
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